

Hello, everyone!

It has truly been a while since I've even remembered this place, not gonna lie. My last 'normal' post was in 2013 so things have changed as you can imagine. Haha! I'm all grown up now, with a university degree, lived here and there, traveled a bit, and seen a bit, but as it seems, like a lot of other things in my life, my little blog, my safe space comes around back to me. I just could not stop thinking about writing a blog again. Sharing silly things that interest me and probably nobody else.
I'm not very active on social media, I kind of like this incognito mode. As I found out later in life - I'm more of a spectator than a person who likes to be in the spotlight. But sometimes I have this urge to share something that interests me, and I remember this blog being this amazing place where I could share whatever I wanted I was not judged, I loved this little Blogspot community so much. I'm so happy to see some of the girls who used to write blogs back in the day succeed in life, it truly warms my heart.
For the last couple of years, I worked in the beauty industry so that was my passion and joy and still is for sure, I became obsessed in a good way with perfumes and the olfactory world in general. I still am kind of interested in fashion shows, as my old followers may remember. Not much has changed, but it seems that nothing is the same also. I still wear black pretty much all the time, I still dream of silly and unrealistic things but maybe in a different way.
So here I am starting all over again. I'm thinking about writing a post each day in December and doing something like 'blogmas' or whatever, because I do enjoy watching vlogmas on YouTube, as crazy as it sounds it brings me joy, haha! So I thought about doing something similar here, on Blogspot. We'll see.

Whoever is reading this, I hope you are safe in these crazy times and you feel joy in this little life.

Picture taken from pinterest.com

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